Wednesday 2 January 2008

Another quiz

Get Your Own Quiz!, More Quizzes

This one is very, very hard.


Sarah said...

Hi Katie

I got 5/6 on this one :). Just in case you don't read my blog I will tell you now. I'm moving away so I won't be blogging for a while. But I'll start blogging when we're settled. Bye! :)


catriona said...

Hi Katie

I haven't spoke to you for ages have I.

I was just wandering if you have a buisiness for your woolie horses on ebay? I am going to set up a buisiness on ebay selling hand-painted glasses, bowls and plates.

Amber Kirk-Ford said...

You've been tagged!!!

7 fave movies

7 fave songs

7 things you're good at

7 things you can't do

7 things you want to do when you're older

7 people you are gonna tag with this!

Just put this, who you've been tagged by, and your answers on your blog!!!

Joy said...

You've been tagged!!!

7 fave movies

7 fave songs

7 things you're good at

7 things you can't do

7 things you want to do when you're older

7 people you are gonna tag with this!

Just put this, who you've been tagged by, and your answers on your blog!!!
sorry about you got tageed 2 didnt have any one else

The Woollie Blog said...


Catriona I am thinking of selling woollies on ebay and have sold 2 at a craft fair. =]