Wednesday 9 January 2008

i've been tagged

7 fave movies
- Spirit
- star wars episode I
- Star wars episode II
- Mary Poppins

7 fave songs (I don't have favourite songs but I will put my favourite bands)
- Kelly Clarkson
- Nelly Furtado
- Snow Patrol
- Rhianna
- Gwen Stefani

7 things you're good at
- making things
- horse riding
- making horse graphics
- drawing horses
- writing stories
- talking!
- being in the Horse Club!
7 things you can't do
- Wait
- not see my friends
- play computer games
- make graphics of people
- draw dogs
- draw cats
7 things you want to do when you're older
- own a stables
- do eventing on horses
- swim on a horse
- own lots of animals
- run a riding school
- own a horse like one of my dream ones!
- do some travelling
7 people you are gonna tag with this!
- its a surprise....

(i know I haven;t done 7 of everything!)

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