Saturday 17 November 2007


On Thursday my friend came round for a sleepover! We did lots of things, including riding pretend horses indoors (!).

After we went to a Scalextrics (not sure if that's spelt right lol) racing thingy and i didn't win any races :(

I also changed my website A LOT it is Woollie Models and I have a new MSN account (me and my friend created it...hehe) it is

That's all i have to blog about today, not much because i don't have the camera to take pictures!

Monday 5 November 2007

Spirit Of The Horse!

On Friday i went to The Spirit of The Horse with my friends. I didn't know about it until one of my friends told me (I ran about being crazy and happy after), and my other friend didn't know about it until later! My friend who told me (I'll call her C from now :) ) came in the car with us to my Grandma's house and we went upstairs and jumped off the beds (we were being someone from her story) and taking pictures with Mummy's phone and we kept accidentally doing something else on the phone, and when we went to it we were practising our singing for my other friend (I'll call her M from now), because there is a song we all love and we sing it all the time!

when we got there we rode the pretend horses about before M came and C chased their car, then me and C rode pretend horses, before going in to the big tent with a sand arena in it. The speaker man was saying things and we were saying that the 5 minutes he said the show would start in is 5 trillion years (well I think it was that), and when it did start a horse was dressed as a unicorn and it looked very pretty, and another one was dressed as a Pegasus (with wings). There was friesein horses and Arabs and a Shetland pony cross appaloosa who got in a bed with the owner. All the horses did dressage like canter pirouettes and a movement I think is called a haute ecole movement where the horse reared and jumped forward! There was also stunt riders and one of them actually twisted round his horse!

We got to see the stables after with all the horses and they were all gorgeous. Then when we went to take C home she was allowed to sleep over!!! Yay! :D

Friday 19 October 2007

Stuff (Basically)


At the moment my brother is watching Star wars (Episode Five, The Empire Srikes Back), I watched it for a while.

Today we played on the computer chairs! Here is a video of me on the chair (I am being pulled by my brother):
Click on this link, it's a big picture!

I also did some pretend horse jumping (it is very fun). My 'horse' is called Forest and he is a bay Welsh Cob. I also 'rode' Teal, another one of my 'horses'.

I have made a woollie today and my brother made a few!! I have called mine Blossom (thanks for the name Joy )

Saturday 13 October 2007

Horse riding and climbing

Yesterday I went to a climbing place with our Home Education group. Here's a picture of me doing it:

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After that I went horse riding, and at first i rode a differant horse but then he got tired (he's a young pony) so I rode another horse.

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(he had probably slowed down!)

I still haven't got any pipecleaners for woollies!

Thursday 11 October 2007

New Graphic and Woollie

I made a new graphic today for a tag on Hoof-Printz. Here it is:

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It's the best one I have done.

I also made a woollie because my brother and I were doing some work after listening to Mars in the Planet Suite (classical music. I prefer pop music!) and we had to make something that reminded you of the music. I made a fire woollie with a red felt cloak with a leather belt, dark red tail, orange and red felt forlock, flame necklace and a flame on one of his fetlocks. I am very pleased with him (i found a few pipecleaners to make him with!!)

I am going horse riding tomorrow. I'm going to ride a horse i've never ridden before!

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Woollie Horse Story, and woollies, and horses!

I have been typing a story about my wollie horses in their herd, and a few of them go for a stay on a small island, but the sea gets rough and the horses end up in the sea. My friend is writing a story too, and we are giving each other our stories to read. Hers is very good!

About woollies - i'm hunting about for pipecleaners, as i have finished them all. I've found a few, but not many. It's very annoying as i'm having to use wire which doesn't work very well and i've just got some lovely new wool!

New woollies: Firework, Mango, Emerald, Flossi (made by my friend) and others i Can't think of or don't have names.

About horse riding - I rode the small shetland (local pony, I have galloped on him (!). He can be naughty someyimes, and bucks when you use the whip) in the park at the weekend. He was quite good and only bucked once but didn't go right round the edge. He was very tired at the end of it.

Here are some woollie photos BTW this is not my main site - it is my site for 'tags' from Hoof-Printz and photos. My main site is: