Wednesday 10 October 2007

Woollie Horse Story, and woollies, and horses!

I have been typing a story about my wollie horses in their herd, and a few of them go for a stay on a small island, but the sea gets rough and the horses end up in the sea. My friend is writing a story too, and we are giving each other our stories to read. Hers is very good!

About woollies - i'm hunting about for pipecleaners, as i have finished them all. I've found a few, but not many. It's very annoying as i'm having to use wire which doesn't work very well and i've just got some lovely new wool!

New woollies: Firework, Mango, Emerald, Flossi (made by my friend) and others i Can't think of or don't have names.

About horse riding - I rode the small shetland (local pony, I have galloped on him (!). He can be naughty someyimes, and bucks when you use the whip) in the park at the weekend. He was quite good and only bucked once but didn't go right round the edge. He was very tired at the end of it.

Here are some woollie photos BTW this is not my main site - it is my site for 'tags' from Hoof-Printz and photos. My main site is:


stefndawniy said...

Welcome to the ring
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Dawniy and Lana x

Joy said...

hello do u go horse riding i do
to see my blog click here

The Woollie Blog said...

yes i do horse ride!

Amber Kirk-Ford said...

Hi! I have an idea of a name for one of your woolie horses! What about... Pebbles?

The Woollie Blog said...

Pebbles is a nice name! If i find a wollie without a name or make one I will call it Pebbles!

Joy said...

hi i have loads of names for ur woollies:
Raz, Filly or Phillydalhaya
presus, lola, blossom, leo,
Sprit, Arny, Brandy, Delboy,