Saturday 13 October 2007

Horse riding and climbing

Yesterday I went to a climbing place with our Home Education group. Here's a picture of me doing it:

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After that I went horse riding, and at first i rode a differant horse but then he got tired (he's a young pony) so I rode another horse.

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(he had probably slowed down!)

I still haven't got any pipecleaners for woollies!


Sarah said...

Hi Katie

My names Sarah and my blog is Life And Stuff, I love your blog its really nice.


stefndawniy said...

eeek that looks very high , you're braver than me !

Joy said...

he looks like one of the ponys at my riding stables

Sarah said...

That pony is so cute

catriona said...

Hi! I'm Catriona and my blog is called What I've done today.

I'm not home ed though...

Amber Kirk-Ford said...


I would never even climb a tree!
Well I can but I am always the one who gets stuck at the top or is to scared to come down!! LOL!
You are soo brave!


The Woollie Blog said...


I wasn't brave at first, i got half way then came down straight away!!