Friday 19 October 2007

Stuff (Basically)


At the moment my brother is watching Star wars (Episode Five, The Empire Srikes Back), I watched it for a while.

Today we played on the computer chairs! Here is a video of me on the chair (I am being pulled by my brother):
Click on this link, it's a big picture!

I also did some pretend horse jumping (it is very fun). My 'horse' is called Forest and he is a bay Welsh Cob. I also 'rode' Teal, another one of my 'horses'.

I have made a woollie today and my brother made a few!! I have called mine Blossom (thanks for the name Joy )


Sarah said...

Hi Katie

Since everybody else has contributed a name to the Woollies I decided to give you one to, what do you think of the name Thalia, (pronounced fa-lea)Thalia is the greek muse of comedy. I've been reading about greek myths a lot (they're really interesting) and I found this name. I hope you like it.


stefndawniy said...

i always used to play horses and go riding too. Never made a woolie though, put us some pics of them on :)

catriona said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!