Thursday 11 October 2007

New Graphic and Woollie

I made a new graphic today for a tag on Hoof-Printz. Here it is:

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It's the best one I have done.

I also made a woollie because my brother and I were doing some work after listening to Mars in the Planet Suite (classical music. I prefer pop music!) and we had to make something that reminded you of the music. I made a fire woollie with a red felt cloak with a leather belt, dark red tail, orange and red felt forlock, flame necklace and a flame on one of his fetlocks. I am very pleased with him (i found a few pipecleaners to make him with!!)

I am going horse riding tomorrow. I'm going to ride a horse i've never ridden before!


stefndawniy said...

gosh i hope it goes well :)

The Woollie Blog said...

Yes it went really well! Thanks!